Friday, December 25, 2009

About Us

HANIE is a hobbit who is oft buried under piles of paper, pen and Copic markers. Severe lack of exposure to sunlight, nutrition and communication with outside world gives her a somewhat moldish, sickly pallor so one may mistake her for Gollum instead. Lots of things make her happy but chocolates, good movies, good books, pretty baked goods, free art supplies, attractive men with pristine posteriors (Christian Bale I'm looking at you) and trips to exotic distant lands work particularly well. Dabbles in the arts by day, a dreamer by night, and seeker for truth and all things beautiful for all times.

Hanie can also be found at

NORA: "So who am I? I’m the type of person who dreams a lot and am contented even if those dreams are never to be realized, just because you ‘experience’ it all the same, in dream. I believe that if reality is sad, you can still laugh in your head. I’m the type of person who do not have regrets, and not because I believe that things all happen for a reason. I just believe that things happen! So what, right? I'm the type of person who loves to know more, because life is so full. I’m just like you, who think I’m different from everyone else. Funny isn’t it, how we work. "

Nora can also be found here at

Lydd is a true Sagittarian at heart. This freedom-loving, adventure-seeking girl is always searching for her next adrenaline fix. A closeted guitar rocker (wannabe), she is always game to try out something new and will literally come up with any excuse to travel. For this European trip, she cites the beautiful European landscape and unique architecture will provide the perfect background for her new hobby - photography! Lydd is easy to pick out from a crowded room and that's not because of her size (or lack thereof), but simply from her thunderous and often infectious laughter.

When not scribbling things down in this travel blog, Lydd can also be found at